Overstappen naar SD-WAN tijdens de corona-pandemie?


Overstappen naar SD-WAN tijdens de corona-pandemie? Het kan wel! Helaas zijn de lockdown en corona-maatregelen wederom verlengd, maar wordt tegelijkertijd meer flexibiliteit en veiligheid gevraagd van een bedrijfsnetwerk. Op afstand en thuiswerken, toenemende cybercriminaliteit, cloud-adoptie en meer inzicht op applicatieniveau vragen om nieuwe oplossingen, maar hoe doe je dat in tijden van corona en de genomen corona-maatregelen? Lagere TCO en uitgestelde facturatie! Elite Networks bi...

A Hacker Tried to Poison a Florida City's Water Supply


Another example why good OT security is so important! Is your OT environment secured well? Let us help you securing your OT security! Around 8 am on Friday morning, an employee of a water treatment plant in the 15,000-person city of Oldsmar, Florida, noticed that his mouse cursor was moving strangely on his computer screen, out of his control, as local police would later tell it. Initially, he wasn't concerned; the plant used the remote-access software TeamViewer to allow staff to share ...

What to expect from SD-WANs in 2019


SD-WAN matures, moving out of the early-adopter phase and into the mainstream. That means big changes ahead for the market. In network circles, there may be no hotter topic right now than software-defined WAN (SD-WAN). Given WAN technology stood still for the better part of three decades, this makes sense, as most companies have a WAN that’s long overdue for a refresh and architectural update — and SD-WANs make this a reality. SD-WANs are definitely moving out of the early-adopter ...